The Alamo Tree is the first episode of a new television series scripted by Ernest Brawley and based on his novel of the same name published by Simon & Schuster. The story involves two intertwined families, the güero Kellies and the mestizo Carrizos through six decades of 20th century Mexico’s explosive social and political changes. THE ALAMO TREE begins when the revolutionary Mexican government abolished the ancient entitlements of the Roman Catholic Church in 1926. The country rapidly polarized with the privileged classes siding with the Church and the exploited classes with the government. A violent, brutal war between Right and Left, Church and State, ensued. It is known to history as the Cristero Rebellion. In the first episode, an American-born Catholic priest named James is hunted down by right-wing Cristero revolutionaries and feels compelled to commit grievous sins to survive. One of his greatest sins is coupling with a beautiful redhead named…
In 1975, the year of New York City’s nadir, its lowest point in history, beautiful SHELLEY STEIN (33) returns to restart her life as…
The setting is Laos, during the CIA’s illegal and extraordinarily violent “secret war” of the early 1970’s. The plot revolves around a CIA special…