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Satish looked at his watch. It was 5:30 in the evening. The soft sound of rain drops on the roof had got milder. He adjusted the blinds on the window glass. Now he could see out onto the road. The road was glittering as it was wet and was reflecting vehicles moving speedily with headlights on.  The wind was making the trees sway. The twilight made the atmosphere adorable.It occurred to Satish that he was in Toronto for more than a week then. He came here to meet his school friend Ramesh who had migrated to Canada soon after his engineering some ten years ago. After communication over the phone and the emails with Ramesh, Satish got into the Air India plane to Toronto. He was received by Ramesh and his wife and was driven down to Ramesh’s house. A nice cozy room in the bungalow was allotted to Satish.…