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November 2024


He has the most gorgeous cerulean eyes, but his gaze is only part of what mesmerizes women. He is adept at drawing even the most reluctant into conversations with entertaining stories regaling his past experience with horse ranching in Colorado, his trips to Hawai’i, and his adventures in the military service. In World War II. He is ninety-three years old but he has game. These conversations always take place in out-of-the-way fields of operation, spots where women would be least likely to expect an encounter, such as the immediate entrance/exit areas of restrooms (in his favorite restaurant) or a newspaper machine (on the outside of the said restaurant). He might not have a wide range of territory but this space is his and no one disputes it. He often uses his walker to ambulate, sometimes just a cane will do, and occasionally he is seen to be sporting new bandages…