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Book Reviews


Title: The Book of Happiness: A Memoir Author: Joseph Mark Glazner Copyright: 2024 (Toronto) Price: $ 15.99 (Paperback) That Time in America When I Thought Everything Could Only Get Better Me too.  I remember a time in America when I also thought that anything was  possible and that the future could only get better.  The pursuit of happiness, so eloquently claimed by Thomas Jefferson in America’s Declaration of Independence (1776) as our birthright as citizens of this great country, is something that many somehow inexplicitly lose along the way.  So, I appreciate Joseph Mark Glazner’s brilliantly written memoir that takes me back to that magical time. Glazner was born in February of 1945 and identifies as a“war baby,” even though he quite literally sits on the cusp of the baby boomer generation which I personally belong to by being born in June of 1951.  While many accounts of the 1950s portray…