The woman hung the polythene sheet over the dripping leaves of the hedge, expertly running it under the tree’s low-hanging boughs. The child whimpered. She looked at it anxiously. It was not used to the absence of its mother’s warmth. The polythene was low enough on one side to reach the ground, kept in place by fallen branches. Wind was the enemy, blowing rain under the overhang. Clouds scurried in the breeze. She prayed for a dry night. In these climes the weather was unpredictable. Her child was restless, clothes wet and smelling of faeces. There was no water. The woman unwrapped it as best she could and flung away the rag which had been swaddling its lower parts. Thankful for her foresight in stealing the toilet roll from the public toilet, she cleaned most of the dirt away. There was enough rainwater still clinging to the hedge for her…
6:00 pm “Dear, you’ll love Aunty Remi and her children, I promise you.” I said nothing, my gaze fixed out the car window. My…
Whenever she entered the classroom, Jameela felt like she had horns sprouting out of her head everyone stared at her strangely with wide eyes.…
Oh Akbash dog, we sing your praises; we have seen the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the impossible performed by you. Since you were a puppy,…
He has the most gorgeous cerulean eyes, but his gaze is only part of what mesmerizes women. He is adept at drawing even the…
Author: Betsy Lerner New York: Grove Press. Copyright 2024. Pages: 272 Price: $ 28.00 (Hardcover) As an author, Betsy Lerner first burst onto the…
Her legs. Below a pleated skirt. Dancing down the steps. The first thing he saw. Just to the knees. He’d been passing the stepped…
Kimberley Collins, a blonde teenager, made a distressed call to the North Manchester Division Police Station on October 15th, 2023, at 8:15 a.m. She…
The floor was cold, a thousand little needles were piercing through her skin, momentarily still suffering the sunshine rays that gave her flaming red…