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A Day with Breanne Mc Ivor

A Day with Breanne Mc Ivor

Meet Breanne Mc Ivor. She…

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Nocturnal Conductions

Nocturnal Conductions

The first time it happened,…

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The Lady of the Water

The Lady of the Water

I’d thought Central America would…

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Two Blind Men
Flash Fiction

Two Blind Men

They knew well I was…

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An Interview with Ernest Brawley

An Interview with Ernest Brawley

Ernest Brawley, a native Californian,…

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The water of Zam Zam, once a symbol of purification, that his former crime partner brought him from Makkah, couldn’t cleanse the guilt that clung to him like a shroud. The crime of killing his beloved in the fields always haunted him in the darkness of his cell. He was placed at the far end of the barrack in a wide cell secluded from other prisoners. His mind was always filled with the multiple endings of that tragic event like the multiple endings of epic drama. But in the current situation, he could not change those endings. If he were not the son of a Malik sahib, the ending of his life would be like the ending of his last meeting with his beloved. The family status worked in the High Court and he was released only the day before his second birthday celebration in the prison. The first one…