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Lukumani Majumdar


“Malati, hey Malati. Open the door, open it quickly.” Roma Aaba yelled out running for Malati from the courtyard. “What a bimbo! Open it damn.” Being afraid of Roma Aaba’s screaming Malati hurried up and opened the door. “What has ensued? Why are you shrilling?” Malati asked Aaba. Roma Aaba entered the house at once and told Malati to shut the door. “What to tell you Malati, somehow I escaped.” Roma Aaba told in a gasping voice. “You escaped? From whom? Has somebody chased you?” “Who else will be? That ridicules insane Haren.” “What? But why did he do this with you?” astonished Malati stared at Roma Aaba. “Does an insane need any reason to harass somebody?” Roma Aaba brusted out of anger. “I was just walking around, suddenly he ran out to me saying he would not let me live. What rubbish!” About this time Suman came out…