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Aman Sethi


This is a story of a school going kid studying at Michigan Institute, Michigan. His daily routine is full of excitement starting from waking up early at 6 a.m., going to school and playing games and watching movies till late 11 p.m. He belongs to a small family who lives in a small house in Michigan on a hilltop far away from the main city. The boy name is Amandora. His family consist of his father who runs a garage near his house with one of his school friends in partnership. Amandora’s father name is Samuel (nickname-Sam). Aman’s mother is pregnant now and is about a give a birth to a newborn baby. Her name is Alice. She runs a boutique with name as ‘‘Adora Fad’’. Amandora is now 10 years old. He studies well and also passes all the examinations with good scores. He has a very good friend in the school, Daniel who…