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Amit Shankar Saha


“Who’s where?” was a game. Dolly and Bob used to play. It was rather a peculiar game. Theirs was a big house. It took five minutes to walk the circumference of it. And then there was the nursery, the backyard, the garden, the gravel path, the lakeside, and the mausoleum. It took more than fifteen minutes to go round them once. A vast property indeed! It was good for the game. It was good for the game because the inhabitants were not few. There was a regiment of staff, numbering thirty, from the sweeper to the housekeeper. And the family was of fifteen excluding them. Indeed good for the game! The game was simple. One of them would call out the name of one of the inhabitants of the house and the other would have to guess where that person is at that moment in time. Then they would go…