I pack the last thing in my bag and walk out of the door, carefully shutting it behind me. Ruining my expectations, the sky is a dull shade of grey and slightly breezy. I’m late for the train by 13 minutes 45 seconds. Not bothered. I don’t want to catch the train. I’d rather walk. Maybe I should introduce myself now. Let’s just call myself Anonymous, it’s better to avoid unwanted complications. My age…never mind. The road ahead is empty. No, it’s packed with people. Nobody notices me. They are busy doing whatever. I slow down, eventually stop. A middle-aged lady selling sweets. She’s slightly stooped. A light aroma fills the air. Peppermint and Jalebis. I turn my gaze to another man wearing a scruffy hat. Green with orange baubles. Hat seller. Behind him are another lot, talking loudly, practically screaming. I must’ve entered a market. It seems vividly bright.…