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Udbhav Rai


“Two shots in the crotch. Two more in the heart. One last in the head,” Carter murmured to himself. A man laid dead in the alley outside the bar. Nobody cared. The paper in front of his eyes read:   Welcome to Los Angeles: The Toilet of America. Here’s where you’ll find the best of the best – theglamour, the lights, the darkness, the money, the fame, the abused, the abusers, the big houses, the hills, the attention seekers,therapists, the smugglers. Welcome to Los Angeles: The City of Dreams. “Cheeze… d’yawant somecheeze?” Jenson said with a smile aswide as the base of the glasses at those parties up in the hills, his nasty smile came with an exclusive look at a mouthful of “cheeze” squeezing throughthe gaps in his greasy teeth. Jenson’s face, if Carter had to describe it,would be just about the most challenging thing he ever had…